medical work (caused by a disease like breast cancer), or for personal reasons: Most mothers stop breast feeding by a number of things. However, weaning is not a substitute for breastfeeding immediately. How does any other business, time, patience and practice.
A concern for advocates of breast-feeding would be the time a baby solid foods should be introduced. Although no one really knows when the appointed time is not the best with your baby solid foods before the age of 6 months feed(While the Ministry of Health and pediatricians recommended). This is the child to minimize the risk of allergies to certain foods. If you have a long list of allergies of their ancestors, your son has inherited probably too much. Then, most importantly, how can you delay the withdrawal, if that's the case.
If your child is 6 months old, check out these foods has suggested that the baby will probably love it:
1. Iron fortified rice cereal. This is usually theMother of all baby food, as is usually the first recommendation of a physician or healthcare professional.
2. Mashed vegetables. Start a yellow or orange vegetables such as carrots, pumpkin or sweet potatoes. beans and peas can also be specified, as these have a mild taste. Only a few spoonfuls of the first and work your way to look at the rhythm of the child. Green can be tried later. If the child does not like the vegetables in combination with a yellow or orange.
3. Puree or fruit juiceFruit. Apple sauce, pears or bananas would be a good start. Fruit grown organically is better, because there are no additional or tapioca starch added. Puree the fruit and her baby. You can also begin to give 100% fruit juice at this time. Mix 1 part juice to 2 parts water and offer it in a bottle or a cup.
Remember that at this time, these solids only as a complement to breast milk or formula. As the child grows, change this to the milk solids are addedFood. Therefore, cessation of breastfeeding, that does not mean you should stop milk when the baby has not yet made food products.
When introducing new foods, a child, feed for 4 days. You can feed them other foods (previously delivered the baby), but not to introduce new foods for two or more simultaneously. This is because it is four days during the observation period - you can immediately tell if the food that causes an allergic reaction onlyor medical problem. You can feed, said the child's diet, it is a bit 'more to bring the food back and observe.
If food is the baby stomach problems (diarrhea, gas, etc.), then you can stop allergic to food, him. so the rule of four days - the reactions to foods after eating a half-hour or day.
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