Everyone has gastroesophageal reflux disease or regression of gastric contents into the esophagus, at one time or another. In newborns, more than 50% of children aged three months or less experience at least one episode of failure than a day. With four months, the rate increases to 67%.
However, an improvement from a child? S tends to sit neuromuscular control and ability to reflect on gastroesophageal reflux disease and the age of 18 months for most of them take gastroesophageal reflux disease is a phenomenon far.
GERDoccurs when the muscular valve at the base of the esophagus malfunctions, allowing stomach acid in some way opens up into the esophagus? Prolonged exposure to acid can cause severe damage to the lining of the esophagus? It is estimated that affects approximately 5-8% of adolescents from the disease.
Heartburn, the most common symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease is difficult to explain to children. Usually complain of stomach pain or discomfort in the chest;especially after meals. Frequent or severe GERD may be other problems, esophagus, stomach, pharynx, larynx, lungs, sinuses, ears and even lead to the teeth. Typical symptoms may include loss of appetite, difficulty swallowing, poor weight gain, dyspepsia, abdominal pain or chest, belching, sore throat, asthma, chronic sinusitis, ear infections and tooth decay.
In contrast with children, teenage son? S GERD do not pay for itself and if the child showsTypical symptoms of GERD you need a pediatrician.
Very often, the doctor can make a diagnosis by interviewing the caregiver and examine the child. Sometimes it had to be proved, as the pH probe, barium GI series or higher, gastric emptying study to be completed fiberoptic laryngoscopy Tecnetium and endoscopy with biopsies.
In the treatment of reflux children more to alleviate the symptoms and the relief of non-alignedthe basic problem, which tends to disappear with time. A simple treatment and is useful instead to thicken the baby? S milk formula with rice cereal treatment less likely causes of acid reflux.
For an older child, sleep simple lifestyle changes, such as increasing the headboard of the bed to 30 degrees during, and bring the baby too small, frequent meals instead of eating large quantities of food can be useful at a time. Make sure your childeat at least two or three hours before bedtime can also help. Changes in diet, avoiding chocolate, carbonated drinks, caffeine, tomatoes, mint and other acidic foods or citrus juices and fried foods or spicy foods should help the problem.
Most drugs work for GERD in the reduction or degradation of flatulence and neutralize stomach acid required.
It 's very rare that children with GERD surgery. Nissen fundoplication is the surgical procedureused in the few that require surgery.
If your bundle of joy is always crying, irritability, vomiting, and just plain miserable, which would have the possibility of GERD in a prudent measure.
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