You know how many calories you need daily and if you really need to lose fat. Search for a BMI (Body Mass Index) calculator / chart and see if you need to lose fat. If you need to get some of their excess fat, how to choose the right foods and lose the right amount of food?
Remember, the idea is to lose up to 10% of their excess fat over six months. A pound of fat per week. This means you spend 500 calories a day more than you take in then you are in negativeEnergy balance. No food is forbidden, but many should really be limited by the energy density. This means that a small amount of calories, usually high in sugar or high fat. Here are my recommendations for dietary fat loss.
The idea is that all the nutrients the body needs and not enough calories. Limiting portions is where to start. I like the government MyPyramid site. Did a great job explaining the needs and portion sizes, but a poor explanationPortions. One part is what really eats.
A serving of meat is the size of a deck of cards and weighs 3 ounces. A serving of milk is a measuring cup or 8 ounces, but if the milk is turned into cheese, then a serving is one ounce is the size of four dice. eating fruits and vegetables, can steam and / or raw in salads, in almost as much as you want. It 's the salad dressing, sour cream, butter, margarine and salt, which must be limited.
If your diet is1800 calories a day, you can have every day 1.5 cups of fruit and 2.5 cups of vegetables of all colors, equivalent to 6 ounces of grain (1 slice bread, 1 / 2 cup of cooked cereal like ' oats or rice, 1 cup of food grains), ounce-equivalents of meat and beans, 3 ounces of milk, 5 tablespoons of oil, grease, and 195 discretionary calories (5 eat what you want about 195 calories)
Other parts are three ounces grilled fish is the size of a checkbook, a medium potato is theSize of a computer mouse, the average bagel is the size of a quarter wide-mouth bottle. Visit MyPyramid information on nutrition and National Heart, Lung, and Blood to see the site, a slide presentation on the Distortion.
Get a plan, learn what you can and can not eat and stick to it. Going to do some exercise to their percentage of fat reduction permanent
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