Monday, May 31, 2010
Before Diego Solid
Saturday, May 29, 2010
First Food... atom (video2)
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
First basin of cereal....
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Our first corn
Monday, May 17, 2010
Aboriginal Feed Atom Aditi
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Eat well and maintain their blood sugar under control
A common problem in diabetes is that the doctor tells them that they must control their diet, but do not give concrete examples of what to eat and what to avoid. Here are some tips I have to eat, realistic and more nutritious than a diabetic blood sugar control should.
Variety in their diet, but a balanced meal with all food groups, consisting of a grain such as rice, wheat, pulses, dals etc. or split + + + + OpenMilk or dairy products. Be sure to include a cup of raw vegetable salad with meals.Eat too.Eat fruit frequent small meals and two snacks, and not as part of the same amount of food in meal.Eat same time of day, but be sure not to leave a area of more than 3-4 hours without eating complex carbohydrates anything.Eat foods rich in fiber, like whole grains such as wheat, ragi (millet finger), rice, oatmeal, vegetables, whole, such as peas, cowpeas , chickpeas,leafy vegetables and raw vegetables. All these foods only a gradual increase in the levels of blood sugar, because the fiber content decreases the release of glucose.Cut cakes, desserts sweetened drinks, cakes and chocolates. In foods such as sugar is quickly absorbed, making the blood sugar more rapidly.Eat of fresh vegetables and some fruits of soluble dietary fiber and vitamins. Fruit is an ideal snack between meals, but be careful, very sweet to eatFruits like mango, watermelon, guava, sapotas (Chiku) or grape because of its effect on blood sugar (fast growing). dried fruit like raisins and dates are a concentrated form of sugar and should be eaten only in small quantities.Make safe to eat vegetables and dals as at least two meals a day. People eating vegetarian foods are chicken, fish or eggs instead.Cut down on excessive consumption of fatty foods, you can doObesity increases the risk of heart problems .. Limit your intake of salt and salty foods, since diabetics are more prone to hypertension. Beware of hidden salt in many cucumbers canned and processed foods like pickles, papad, etc.Keep alcohol consumption to moderate levels. Even low sugar, high-alcohol drinks. Alcohol must be consumed during meals or after dinner, or the possibility of blood sugar is down.ArtificialSweeteners, specific products, but diabetes is not mandatory. Beware of diabetes products in the market these days, which are produced by artificial sweeteners, but are high in fat, rich in calories calories.Drink thus higher water or other drinks without added sugars, such as skimmed milk whey diluted juice without lemon or sugar.If you found this article helpful and want things like this are most useful on our website
IfYou have diabetes or a carer of a diabetic and looking for a diet program staff Daibetic, please login / dietcare
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Aidan Aboriginal taste of solid food!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Foods that Heal Hard stool
Everyone suffers from occasional constipation. But what if it is a fact of life?
The human intestine is more comfortable when I made producers (chairman), the desired consistency and size. "A banana brown" is not a good way to think of the perfect chair - not too hard, not too soft, not too big, too small. The muscles of the colon were designed to move right, formed by banana stool. The colon has more difficulties in the small hard chair, alsolarge.
Although some diseases and many medications cause constipation, the most common cause is insufficient dietary fiber. Civilized man can not eat, soluble fiber, to maintain well-regulated bowel movement. Soluble fiber is one that can absorb fluids to soften stools: I think dried beans. A dry, hard beans can turn to mush when wet and cooked long enough to absorb enough water. Soluble fiber is not absorbed in the intestine, but passes through in its natural state, absorbingexcess water on the road, much like jelly disposable diapers.
So before you get to eat, not to mention water. Whatever we eat food, not your chair to be smooth, if not enough water through the gut.
Even food can not soften stools already formed fibers softened follows only the chair along. Consider your intestinal tract, like a conveyor belt. You want to keep a good supply of fiber movement along the tracksFor all your stool to the right consistency. The chair is hard to now has been moved one or two days. Then again Kot more high-fiber diet can best begin to form. Sometimes it takes a little ', until the intestine is used to this - a bit' and get used to lengthen working properly again. Until then, can flatulence, bloating, cramps, or mild symptoms.
Remember the proverb "An apple a day keeps the doctor away"? WellStarting point. A medium apple has about 3 grams of fiber. You should eat four slices of white bread, fiber come too (and with four times the calories).
Fruits and vegetables are good sources of dietary fiber. In addition to apples and other fruits, especially soluble fiber include raspberries, blackberries and pears. Do not peel the apples and pears - to eat the skin, even for the highest fiber content. And any kind of fruit in all foods is a better choice than simple carbohydrates, such asas white bread, rice, cereals and sugar, pasta, flour and sugar.
Vegetables rich in fiber include beans, artichokes (What is this?), Peas, spinach, carrots and broccoli. Raw vegetables are healthier than cooked, but rather cause a little swelling. However, all the vegetables, cooked or not, it is healthier to eat a simple carbohydrate.
Whole grains are a good source of fiber, too. Everything is a good choice with the bran. wheat bread orRye bread are better than white bread. Oatmeal, shredded wheat, rice and peanuts have a good amount of soluble fiber.
Aim for at least five servings of these foods rich in fiber. Again, the gut for several days or weeks to adjust to the fiber increased, but it's worth should be long term. Another advantage is that most of these foods are low in calories but rich in vitamins and other nutrients - good all the wayround.
Copyright 2010 Cynthia J. Kölkes, MD
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Breastfeeding Update 5 years
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Build Muscle - Why you need to eat fat, muscle mass
In its quest to ensure that, if building muscle is all that many bodybuilders in the form 'a bit fat "phobic mood. They think that if you eat fatty foods is low, it should be easier to stay thin.
Let's face it, after trying for months to build muscle, is the last thing I want to do, turn around and spend a few months to lose the fat that you won on the road. Muscle is an excess of calories, but if it workshope to obtain significant benefits.
What you need to realize that the amount of calories you eat that determines whether the fat gain, not where the calories come mainly.
Therefore, there is big difference if you eat 300 extra calories a day from the calories of pure fat and pure carbohydrates - that is, of course, assuming that your basic protein and carbohydrate requirements are met.
If the proteinPoor, then certainly a problem, but for the most part, which is in bodybuilding, protein deficiency is not something they need to worry.
Fat and muscle
Although you can still carry the temptation to grain pasta, rice, bread, and can not be even faster.
Although these foods are certainly a lot to your weight gain will continue to help your glycogen stores so you can work with any intensityMeeting, we must not overlook the fat intake.
Skip can not have any phobia fat is crucial for the results they expect to see.
One of the main reasons why fat should be completely avoided in the diet, it will go a long way to promote optimal levels of testosterone.
You already know that testosterone flowing through your body, be seen for muscle growth is better, then it makes sense only ifYou can do means to increase due to dietary
should in any case.
When was the last time I ate three sandwiches at a meeting? Integer, right? Let's face it, for those of you in 4000 + calories a day to get to eat strictly carbohydrates and proteins are very difficult - if you feel as I like to explode.
For these three sandwiches could have downed a cup of peanuts for about the same calories.
Would not it be easierin your stomach? I thought so.
The inclusion of fat in your diet, you will be much easier to have always occur in the calories needed for weight gain.
Finally, the final ground are fat in your diet, body building because the power will be when it comes to energy. Fat contains more calories per gram than other foods so if you expect to increase your energy, do not remove the fat.
Fat is a gootherwise the body of energy than carbohydrates or protein, but is still the most concentrated source of energy out there.
So look at your current diet. Are you brave enough? Otherwise, your muscles can not generate much as possible. Will not give you the best results from your workout?