Tuesday, March 23, 2010

To Carb or Carb - This is the problem

There is so much controversy out there today about whether or not to eat carbohydrates and low in carbohydrates is the right way to weight loss. Unfortunately, the controversy over the misinformation and propaganda rather than facts. The truth is that carbohydrates (one of three main sources of calories from our body, in addition to proteins and fats) are necessary and essential for a healthy diet and a healthy body. In reality, our brain uses carbohydrates in the form of, Glucose most efficient source of energy (compared to proteins and fats). Justice for all or most carbohydrates from your diet for long periods can have many negative effects on your body, including pain, but not limited to, headache, loss of concentration, fatigue, constipation and increased risk of health problems in the long term, including some cancers.

What carbohydrates are really doing for us? Carbohydrates are important to their diet for many reasons, but first let's talk about foodcontain carbohydrates, because if you know what foods contain carbohydrates that you find something nutritious diet is missing without them. Carbohydrates are found in grains such as bread, pasta, rice, cereals, cookies and oatmeal, all the fruits and fruit juices, milk and yogurt, starchy vegetables such as peas, potatoes, beans and corn, and sweet year. There is also a small amount of carbohydrate non-starchy vegetables such as green leafy vegetables, carrots, peppers, broccoli,Cauliflower and asparagus, but only about one third the amount that is in strengths. By eliminating carbohydrates from the menu, it takes a great source of fiber (needed for the digestive tract), calcium, vitamins and minerals like potassium, vitamin C, folic acid and many other antioxidants, or the fight against the disease.

Be ', of course, desserts are not essential for our food to provide nutrients. However, I think, are very sweet in moderation for most peopleactually able to maintain a healthy diet long term. If you normally eat sweets regularly and then suddenly a trendy diet (eg, a diet that) little carbohydrate, it is very difficult, almost impossible for most people to avoid long-term. Leads to discouragement and makes the average diet, and then cancel the lost time. If the diet makes you feel private, it can withdraw and then the food we eat too much in returnbe avoided.

In addition to the potential risks to health, I believe, is the biggest problem with low carb diet that is too difficult to keep things simple. It 'like every fad diet out there, but it takes a step forward and two steps. Provides a rapid loss of weight before (in the form of water, not fat). Then like a week to go (if it takes so long), which continues to lose, just because their caloric intake [1], not reduced, because aDiet low in carbohydrates is a panacea. Let me explain. For many low-carbohydrate diet is an attractive, because it is meat, bacon, eggs and cheese you can eat. However, it does not take much to lose their appetite for food, will fill quickly. The food is so narrow that only eat fewer calories than before starting the diet, so the key to weight loss, reduced intake of calories.

Most people decide that a diet based on carbohydrates is very difficult to maintain, becauseCarbohydrates are also lost, and give up. Here's the kicker, most of the diet is not only resign, but for the time lost. Eat too much food that I had so much time and so the increase in weight than they lost avoided. If you have any kind of "diet" to lose weight are concerned, just ask this question: "Can you follow this diet for the rest of my life?" If not, then do not waste time on their first, because once you stop following the diet,Back all the weight lost. You only need to lose weight and keep it off until you are willing to follow the diet.

Answer the question posed in the title of this article (To Carb or CARB) to keep in mind that all you need to do to lose weight is to reduce calorie intake (and / or spend more calories of physical activity). You do not have a great source of calories, carbohydrates, such as cutting hunger and practical. I just need to cutReturn to eat a lot, where you are. Potatoes, pasta and bread is not thick, not too much food. You can lose all the foods in your diet in moderation, including carbohydrates and even weight.


[1] According to a study conducted by zony Foco, RD (author, presenter and speaker nationally). As the respondent in person, a diet low in carbohydrates, found that the average consumption of 1,400 calories per day. This means that a diet with carbohydrates causes weight lossReducing calorie intake is not that cutting carbohydrates is the panacea for weight loss.

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