There seems to be no end to the activities of people lose weight. The South Beach Diet is a newcomer on the scene, but follows its predecessors, to some extent. Like its cousin, the Atkins diet, South Beach was created by a doctor. A cardiologist named Arthur agatston. His practice is in Miami Beach, Florida. This is also the name of the original diet.
As with other diets, has claimed the life of South Beach, exercise and otherModifications to the best effect on weight loss. The diet of three phases. The first phase is the most rigorous. And enforce the most difficult. 14 days of this phase, a diet was modified to avoid certain foods. These "forbidden" foods are potatoes, fruit, bread, cereals, rice, pasta, beets, carrots and corn. The point is to teach the body to burn fat instead of sugar for energy. This process of combustion of sugar is sugar, because people crave. And strength. During the firstPhase is very difficult to follow, but also leads to weight loss greater. Some people can lose up to fourteen books in the first two weeks. In particular, the fat begins to reduce the belly.
The second phase of South Beach Diet is easier than the first phase. Some food is banned now permitted. Gradual integration. Other foods rich in starch sugar are still discouraged. The second phase is not given a deadline. Some dieters need more time to train your body to others.Once you have learned to control the diet of the demand for sugar, are in phase three. This phase change is more of a lifestyle. Without a real order visible. Dieters ready for this job successfully in the program. They learned how to lose weight. And stay. They have learned to let go, the taste. Now they know not to determine a healthy meal, that.
What makes the South Beach Diet different, for example, the Atkins diet? Both diets are low in carbohydrates.Both diets encourage the consumption of certain foods. Foods that have a low glycemic index (GI alias). This means that produce no increase in blood sugar or fall rapidly. The choice of South Beach Diet does not require heat. , Or carbohydrates. Being invited to eat certain kinds of fat. These "healthy" fats are different from saturated fat.
The South Beach Diet has become very popular diet. If you are looking for a good alternative to the Atkins diet flock to thislow-carb option. How many diets are the past, food companies jumped on the train. Force now has a range of foods that promote the principles of lifestyle in South Beach. These foods are packed meals. Prepared for the purchase and consumption easier. And bring home the food. This diet is especially created some of the people who want to decrease, but want it to mix your favorite dishes. The lifestyle of South Beach Diet takes just thought: "IfI eat good food or bad? What is healthy or unhealthy fat? When the veil of fear has increased in the first stage, a life of South Beach is easy.