The most common problem for all bachelor apartment handouts are his people. Bachelor's fast-food and snacks chosen healthy foods just because their availability and cost. However, for the possession of a Bachelor's fit and healthy to cook their meals, these 20 items in your pantry at all times.
1. Water: One might think that the most common way, but it is important to keep the water in a pot so that you and you can get a refreshing drink at any time.
2. MilkYou always skimmed or low-fat milk at home, you will need for cereals in the morning.
3. Fruits: Fruits always nearby. You can eat fruit instead of cookies, a healthy snack for you to keep in shape.
4 Rice. Like pasta, rice is a simple solution is always possible. Do not eat too much rice, because carbohydrates can cause weight gain over time.
5. Cheese: A definite must-have. Cheese can be almost anythingtaste for good food, but not too much cheese, give the fat, one pound in a short period of time.
6. Eggs: Eggs are for almost everything it needs cooking, food, preparation of drinks. They are also ideal for a breakfast full of protein.
7. Pan: You should always do something at home the bread, but not too much to eat. In many cultures that include bread at every meal has more belly. A good sandwich is great from time to time. I would suggest finding a bakeryand buy your bread, there is fresh and you know it, does not become too dry and hard.
8. Butter: Butter should be used sparingly, try to limit their use in baked goods.
9. Lemons: an essential ingredient if you're a big fan of seafood. In addition, a cold glass of lemonade after a long day.
10. Mayonnaise: Do not use every day. Will be used in salads, or dry food to soften and remove the delicious meal. Make sure you buy the low fat typeand use as possible.
11. Mustard: It can be a healthy substitute to say that some studies say it helps burn fat.
12. Peanut Butter: A great source of protein for muscles. You can toast in place of other fats.
13. Drinks: always something to drink instead. These are some fruit juices, beer and soft drinks, but do not overdo it. Take a beer from time to time as a relaxing treatment.
14. FreshGinger. This is one of the most healthy that belong in your dishes, keeps the body healthy and less susceptible to disease. This can remain long in the ice box is not necessary to cover them.
15 grains: Ideal for a late breakfast last minute. Do not wait Have some cereal on hand for the work ahead to get a donut, too late.
16. Canned fruits and vegetables in an emergency, food, canned food is better than nothing. AlthoughIt 'better to eat fruits and vegetables, is a bit' canned ones in his hand. How do you know if you have a desire to wheat and corn is not fresh at home? Canned food may take a long time, so you do not eat right away.
17. Pasta: Do you want a meal in a minute? The dough is the right way. The kitchen is done quickly and easily, but do not eat much of it - can cost a few pounds.
18. Carrots: A great snack. You can also purchase one orlow-fat dip, make a perfect snack for a night watching TV.
19. Spices and herbs: Keep the spices. Tip: The purchase of large quantities of small containers in the supermarket are a fraud.
20. Yogurt: a fantastic choice on a hot summer day. You can make tons of drinks out of it too cold. Asian cultures also yogurt with rice and chicken, believe it or not, is an excellent choice.
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