Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The terrible truth of non-chicken Deadly China

The Three Little Words - "Made in China":

The next time you see a shot just to save a pet food, look for the seal of the three little words can be deceiving very small container. "Made in China often." United States appears as a product because the product is imported and packaged and distributed in the United States, is the name of an American company and the address is often prominent. Look carefully and is very likelysmall, those three little words: "Made in China".

When we started our research, we asked our pet store, if not stored in a dry chicken breast, China. "We have no products in China," he said. I took it for its own observation deck to look at every packet that examined contained exactly when all these three words. "Made in China" was amazed!

Pomeranian boy is sick of chicken chipsChina:

Our beautiful black Pomeranian, Kona, was sick from eating chicken dry imported from China. Only six months, Kona was the son of so many samples and was lively and active. He liked to eat a piece of dried chicken breast (in the shop for pet food), before the quiet work in the morning, his fear. After Kona "employees" will be for these chips, has sent notices of chicken farmers in China. Although notin the national recall of pet food "scare" it had received reports of sick dogs dehydration "all natural" chicken breasts from China. We immediately called and informed him that the mark was used. He told us that if Kona did not suffer any ill effects (which had not eaten for 1 month), then it would be nice.

Chips from China are strangely addictive

Kona Two weeks after he became ill. He began refusing all food(Except for the chip). He was completely indifferent. Recall that the lady in the shop for pet food, said the chicken chips in China has been very exciting, especially for small dogs had. Kona had no energy and, of course, was ill, but only eat dry out "all natural" chicken breasts from China.


Medically confirmed, we tried to Kona Pedialyte and water forced through a syringe. Infant rice cereal was alsogiven, and no chip from chickens in China! Because of his youth and our care, Kona made a full recovery and hope that no long-term or organ damage.

Note: If your dog is sick, consult your veterinarian.

Our search for a healthy balance:

Our search for facts chicken dry dog began. We started with our food store for pets and research on-line. We could not find a product of the United States, which wasMade in the USA, the United States, made in America, processed and sold to U.S. farmers.

We started to experiment and ours, 100% USDA inspected chicken. In a few months ago we had a good health in the United States, it was crazy to Kona, and we were sure she was safe.

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