Saturday, November 6, 2010

Food Pyramid Diet and Weight Loss

The food pyramid is a nutritional guide from the Ministry of Agriculture of the United States, as it should be of a certain type of food you take a day to ensure good health tips. However, the food pyramid is not considered able to distinguish between whole grains and refined grains critical distinction between saturated and unsaturated fat, fasting, and not enough emphasis on weight control and exercise. This led to the Harvard School of PublicHealth to develop healthy eating pyramid. The healthy food pyramid is the same as the old food pyramid shows the amount of a particular food to be taken in one day, but intends to offer a better guide in comparison with the old food pyramid. The old food pyramid criticized because it was created by the Department of Health and Human Services, but the Ministry of Agriculture, accused by the meat, dairy and agriculture has been influencedIndustries.

Food Pyramid Diet and Weight Loss

pyramid for the functions of weight loss on the same principles, the food pyramid and healthy food pyramid diet, but with some modifications. Why is weight loss, diet food pyramid to lose weight so that fewer calories are structured to take. Linked to 1200 calories, reduce the number of servings to a minimum, so you need to stay healthy. It is also recommendedthat while the food pyramid diet to lose weight, you should take vitamin supplements to ensure that you really need all the nutrients for the day.

Weight Loss Pyramid

The food pyramid diet to lose weight with weight loss pyramid. Weight Loss pyramid from bottom to top, the lower the level in wheat, fruits and vegetables to the next level, meat and dairy products in the next, and the fat on top. It is suggested that you should only eat four ounces (four)Grains (preferably whole), two servings of fruit, three servings of vegetables, three ounces (three parts) of meat, three cups (three) of milk (low fat, fat) and 17 grams of fat throughout the day.


Servings of grain foods count as 1 ounce is equivalent to a service. A portion can include: a half cup of cooked rice, cereal or pasta, one gram of dry pasta or rice, a piece of bread, a small sandwich or a cupCereals, ready to eat.


A serving of fruit can be cooked or one cup of chopped raw fruit and a cup of fruit juice.


A lot of vegetables was determined to be equivalent to the service of one: one cup of cooked or chopped, a glass of vegetable juice, or two cups of salad.

The food pyramid diet weight with a piece of meat ever to lose an ounce. The group classified flesh meat, fish, poultry, beans,Nuts and eggs together. A serving can be: an ounce of lean meat, fish or chicken, an egg, a quarter cup of tofu or cooked dried beans, a spoonful of peanut butter, or half an ounce of nuts, seeds.


The dairy group has this part of the food as part of each: a cup of yogurt or milk, 1.5 grams of natural cheese or 2 ounces cheese.


Diet Food Guide Pyramid for states that have lost fat weight in any amount added to food during theactual processing, cooking or eating. Please note that to maintain the total intake of fat should be between 20% to 35% of the total calories of the day, and is largely monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats such as nuts, vegetable oils, fish and fat.


For the food pyramid diet to lose weight work that really need to put in the time and effort to follow the instructions for each part. No catch! You may have difficultyset at the beginning, but eventually you will find that each party is sufficient. Not only lose weight but also helps to form a healthy diet.

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